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How to use a vintage pharmacy cabinet in your home decor

Pharmacy cabinets are a thing of the past. Until the 20thth In the 19th century, every doctor or pharmacist had a pharmacy cabinet in which medicines, chemicals, tools such as spoons, mortars and pestles, as well as various scales and materials for the manufacture of medicines were kept.

However, the need for a pharmacy cabinet disappeared with the invention of large-scale drug pills and vaccinations that eliminated the need for pharmacists to manufacture drugs.

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Image source: Harp gallery

But that does not mean that an old pharmacy cabinet has no use for you today; In fact, with some restoration and refurbishing, this old piece of furniture can become very practical and even look good when properly restored.

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Image source: Urban fitters

While an old pharmacy box can be used as a decorative piece of furniture, it has many good uses because you can keep many things in its drawers. It can be much more than just a decorative piece and can become an integral part of your setup.

In addition, an old pharmacy cabinet can even be completely tailored to your needs. You can paint, decorate and style it to match your overall composition and color scheme of your home. In this article, we’ll look at how you can effectively use a vintage pharmacy cabinet in your home decor.

How to use a vintage pharmacy cabinet in your home decor

Whether you are one of those people who like the look of old vintage furniture and decorate your home this way, pharmacy cabinets are the perfect choice to expand your collection. With some renovation work it can look really nice.

But even if you prefer a slightly more modern interior in your home, you can also adapt the pharmacy box to this look. Here are some of the best uses for a vintage pharmacy cabinet.

In the living room

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Image source: Holly marten

One of the best things about old furniture like this is that it can brighten up the place and make it feel like you are at home. it would give a little warmth to a living room and if you already have a wooden living room then an old pharmacy cabinet would surely fit very well.

As a cabinet in the entrance area

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Image source: Combine 9 Design, LLC

What is good about these cabinets is the fact that they usually have a lot of storage space. And this function is very handy when it comes to entrances as you can keep as many things as shoes or other things you need to keep.

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Image source: Inbound marketing

In addition, you can completely change the look by adding some color or simply adapting it to the overall design of your home and entrance.

Storage cabinet in the bathroom

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Image source: Tracey Stephens Interior Design Inc.

Another good idea on how to keep an old pharmacy cabinet in your home is to have it in the bathroom. Finally, these were designed to contain large amounts of medication and tools. This is perfect if you want to keep the most important hygiene items in the closet. These small drawers are perfect for storing soaps, make-up tools and other various hygiene items.

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Image source: Inbound marketing

In addition, you can even customize the cabinet and adapt it to the style of the bathroom. All you need is quick and easy customization, add some color and you’re good to go. A beautiful pharmacy box like this would really add some sophistication to your bathroom.

As a console table in the living room

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Image source: Additional storage space

Living rooms often need console tables to fill the room or even to divide the room. A small pharmacy box or console would be the perfect way to fill that void and enliven your living room.

Not only is it good for storing things, but you can also customize the look to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a rustic or an industrial look, you can always customize the pharmacy cabinet to make it look a certain way. These old pieces of furniture would definitely brighten up your living room and give it a touch of sophistication.

In the kitchen

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Image source: Stacey

Pharmacy cabinets are also ideal for use in the kitchen. You can do so many different things; It can be a kitchen counter where you can put things on and keep them there. You can even use it as a kitchen console and keep some important things from the kitchen in it, e.g. B. spoons, forks, plates and more.

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Image source: Inbound marketing

In addition, these cabinets would stand out in the kitchen and make your kitchen a little warmer. It can also adapt to a variety of different styles – whether you want a rustic or an industrial or even a modern look, you can always adapt the pharmacy cabinet to the style of the kitchen.

For storing liquor bottles

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Image source: Carol King

That would be a really smart idea. The closet can be very handy for storing things and then finding them easily, since there are labels on the front of the drawers that make it easy to find things. This is perfect for someone who likes to have lots of liquor bottles or collect such items as it allows for very easy storage that is also very effective.

Closet for storing the wardrobe

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Image source: Scout and Forge

As we said earlier, pharmacy cabinets are absolutely perfect for storing things easily and effectively and then finding the items inside them very easily due to the labels. This is ideal for storing items of clothing such as personal wardrobe – socks, underwear and other items of clothing.

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Image source: Inbound marketing

It can even serve as a kind of cupboard for storing magazines and letters, so it can really be a personal cupboard.

For storing glasses

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Image source: My furniture

Glasses are becoming increasingly popular in home design. These glasses are not only suitable for storing objects, but also for the production of decorative items for certain periods – for example Christmas decorations. A pharmacy cabinet would be the perfect place to store these cute glasses because it not only fits the style, but also offers a very practical solution.

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Image source: Inbound marketing

Such a cabinet would not only be practical for storing decorative glasses, but also for glasses that contain important things that can be stored in them, such as food and vegetables. It would be a very practical way to keep these glasses.

Final thoughts on the use of a pharmacy cabinet

Pharmacy cabinets are not just decorative pieces of furniture. They are often ignored because they look old and unsuitable for modern design. But with a little love and dedicated restoration work, you can turn a pharmacy cabinet into a very valuable and practical piece of furniture. You can adapt it to your needs and to the overall picture and furnishings of your home.

You can easily make some changes to the closet to fit your home. Hopefully you learned a lot about using a pharmacy cabinet in your home and got some nice ideas from this article.

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