Decks are a perfect idea for outdoor engagements, and a covered deck near to your home has many advantages. It’s also a place where one can contemplate in peace. It can also turn to be a romantic spot where couples can enjoy a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning. Decks are perfect for entertainment as well, be it a near one’s birthday or wedding anniversary, no need to look for other places to party, decks play the perfect host to these parties. Also, certain things should be kept in mind while building a covered deck; first of all, location influences a deck very well, so care should be taken while planning the location. The deck should be compatible with the changing climate; its roof should withstand heavy rain.
Steps to be taken care of while building a covered deck:

Basic planning begins with designing a roof for your deck. Roofs for your covered decks can be either stand- alone or if you wish to make it close to your home, i.e. adjacent to your house, the roof can be made by connecting it to the house building.
Choose the lumber wisely:
Varieties of lumbers are available for deck construction like cedar, redwood, or man-made deck boards are too available. Among these cedars and redwood are becoming scarce in use due to their high cost. Among these, man-made deck boards are preferred because they need little maintenance and they can withstand a change in weather conditions.

Select the size
According to the functions serving, the size of the deck should be determined. For entertainment needs, large decks are necessary while for family needs, small decks are sufficient.
Before installing the drainage system, check the ground underneath for proper drainage. Covered decks can be enjoyed quite well if your house adjoins a mountain, there is no place more apt than covered decks to enjoy the scenic beauty of these mountains.