Should I repair or replace my commercial roof?

While roofs aren’t the first or even the second thing you see as you walk past a building, they are an integral part of the structure. And while the exterior building is often what we think of when we talk about the appeal of curbs, there is no question that …

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Tips to keep your home timeless

Homes in local areas, once celebrated for their style and beauty, are an integral part of the landscape. Years later, these homes age in a way that represents a date for the era in which they were built. Home buyers want houses that look timeless. To accomplish this task, a …

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How quickly does bed bugs spread?

Bed bugs are tiny pests that are a nuisance in most households, especially bedrooms, after the infestation. They can spread quickly and you can think they have wings, but not really. They move by crawling from one area to another to slowly spread to other rooms in the house. Bed …

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Types of drought-resistant grass you should know

Every homeowner wants a beautifully manicured lawn, even though he lives in areas with drastic weather conditions like drought. Research shows that most people prefer to build their homes in semi-arid areas because the land is cheaper and the cost of building a new home is also lower. You may …

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How To Clean A Carpet On Hardwood Floor (Great Guide)

After prolonged use, a carpet usually accumulates stains and dirt. Cleaning is a challenge, especially for soft carpets with long threads. If you’ve tried cleaning a carpet with a vacuum cleaner, you probably haven’t had much success, but there don’t seem to be many ways to remove dirt when it’s …

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Modern architects you should know and their great work

Modern architects add new design concepts to your everyday life. You can even sit in a building that has a modern architectural design. You probably passed many modern buildings on your way to work this morning. Modern architecture surrounds us at every turn. From skyscrapers to creative home designs, modern …

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