Friday , 27 September 2024

How impressive interior design can be beautiful and sustainable

By Michael Tobias Responsibility for building sustainability rests primarily with architects and engineers who design and specify a variety of systems that reduce the environmental impact of building. However, there has been an increasing demand for interior design to join other construction professionals in their global mission to make buildings, …

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How do I install an outdoor light?

This may sound like the first line of a joke, but electricity isn’t a laughing matter. It’s almost responsible for 3,500 deaths in work-related incidents between 2003 and 2016. There were also 55 deaths in one Biennium thanks to electrical injuries. Therefore, treat electricity with the utmost respect, it has …

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5 creative upgrades to freshen up your home

Our homes are our sanctuaries – the only place we can go after a long and tiring day and just relax and unwind. Therefore, we should always strive to make them as inviting and comfortable as possible. However, this doesn’t always have to be associated with large remodeling projects, most …

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Garden trellis ideas that are inexpensive and look great

The decorations in the gardens are very varied. These natural spaces give a lot of freedom when choosing furniture and arrangements. Grids are one of the most common because plants grow naturally on them. The following ideas for garden grilles offer you a versatile way to give the less conspicuous …

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Cool above-ground pool decks as inspiration for your own

In some homes it may be too difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to have an underground pool. This can be due to the poor soil conditions you have, the restrictions of the construction zone and many other possible restrictions. In these cases, it’s probably better to opt for above-ground pool …

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Should I repair or replace my commercial roof?

While roofs aren’t the first or even the second thing you see as you walk past a building, they are an integral part of the structure. And while the exterior building is often what we think of when we talk about the appeal of curbs, there is no question that …

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Tips to keep your home timeless

Homes in local areas, once celebrated for their style and beauty, are an integral part of the landscape. Years later, these homes age in a way that represents a date for the era in which they were built. Home buyers want houses that look timeless. To accomplish this task, a …

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