1. Showcase the beauty of your home with a corner garden

This garden is suitable for delineating a more irregular shape from the house outline, for example as a corner area, as most planted flowers form large green clumps that can overwhelm the floor space.
Hydrangeas, Impatiens walleriana, Thuja and Hosta ‘Montana Aureomarginata’ are all perfect for garden bordering as those that have left their flowering stage will remain green until the end of summer.
2. Highlight your trees and shrubs with black mulch

Coniferous bushes and trees create the perfect landscape around the house as they are very easy to care for. The front row consists of bushes, the back row is bordered with trees.
Decorative species of conifers are very diverse in size and color – from almost white thorns through shades of gray, blue, green and yellow to bronze.
Planting these decorative species in your backyard will improve your home’s curb appeal and give the impression of a well-maintained yet simple backyard all year round.
3. Enhance the entryway with potted plants and bush accents

Floor plants such as various evergreen shrubs can be complemented by flower pots if the entrance to the house has a wide staircase, like in the photo above, or if you have a small garden where not all the flowers you want can be planted.
This is a simple landscaping idea that provides a variety of colors thanks to the flowering potted plants. The garden around the house will look like a cascade of flowers that will welcome everyone with its scent and colors.
4. Bring a tropical atmosphere with palm trees and colorful plants

Palm trees and plants, as well as other decorative leafy shrubs, are perfect for green landscaping because their leaf mass is rich and can take up a lot of space in the garden.
Care is not difficult, but for good shape you should provide enough water, fertilizer and partial shade. They look particularly beautiful and pleasant when surrounded with large stones, pebbles and pea gravel.
5. Add structure to your home with evergreen shrubs

For those of you who want to create a garden around your home that will last for years and require little maintenance, here is a simple landscaping idea using evergreen shrubs – the perfect small tree.
Cherry laurel, ‘Manhattan’ euonymus, viburnum and boxwood are all perfect for landscaping around the home as they tend to grow easily and are quite hardy. Most of them can also be molded, increasing curb appeal to a level that screams “elegance.”
6. Add a pop of color with beautifully arranged flowers

This landscaping idea combines different types of plants. The idea behind this backyard design is to leave greenery after the blooming flowers are past their prime.
Most of these flowers can also be grown as potted plants, but planting them in the ground gives them the space to develop optimally.
The plants are arranged so that they each receive the light they need – that’s why the smaller clumps are at the front and the larger clumps are at the back. The evergreen shrubs are closest to the house wall because they are more or less unpretentious by nature.
7. Show off your creativity with a vibrant, curved garden

This curved garden is very artistic as it combines different types of plants and decorative white gravel and wood chips.
The ground of the front yard is planted with blooming flowers, the Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, which, although typically a houseplant, can add a colorful mood to the landscaping around the house. The top of the soil is covered with wood chips to conserve water and thus keep the flowers hydrated.
The back, curved row is planted with spherical conifers, which grow into larger balls over time. Their bottom is covered with white gravel to provide contrast and drainage.
8. Treat yourself to the lush views of a royal landscape

Royal gardens always impress with their order and variety. That’s why the garden around the house above reminds us of this.
If you want an aristocratic garden around your house, you need to carefully select the right plants and prepare the soil for them.
As you can see, every garden differs from ryegrass in that the soil remains free of any grass. If you don’t have time to mow the lawn and maintain it properly, it may be a smart idea to use artificial grass instead.
The way this garden is laid out leaves a walkway between the ornamental plants so that people can easily navigate this home and enjoy the elegance of the outdoor space.
You can combine decorative leafy shrubs with short-flowering shrubs and evergreen topiary shrubs.
9. Achieve monumental beauty with a butterfly garden

This butterfly garden is a landscape masterpiece. The blooming colorful flowers are planted densely to form continuous clumps. In addition, they are divided by color even though they belong to the same species.
Here and there they are accompanied by decorative leafy plants and evergreen conifers that form green areas between the flowers. It is a perfect idea for a flower bed. This garden design contrasts beautifully with the grass and transforms it into a walkway to the porch.
10. Add rugged charm with Rock Garden and a fountain

Another great landscaping idea is to create a rock garden where a small store-bought or homemade fountain can gently pour water out.
The rest of the garden is covered with wood chips to mulch the soil for the various plants growing there. Agave americana, Hypericum calycinum, dahlia and an ornamental ball tree are the species chosen to beautify the rest of the garden.
The shape of this garden bed is traced by paving stones, but it will not be difficult to recreate it in the backyard on grassy soil.
11. Transform your yard with vertical landscaping

Vertical landscaping should not be underestimated as it creates a great vibrant effect and can combine all types of greenery.
We all know that gradual increase in height is achieved by arranging plants and flowers of different heights. You can also use large potted flowers and flower stands.
12. Maximize space with a small corner garden

Even if the space is small, there is a way to create a fascinating garden around your home.
Separate the garden from the rest of the garden with decorative mulch and plant decorative foliage plants in the front row. Continue with medium-sized evergreen shrubs and finish with larger shrubs or conifers.
13. Make your landscape fascinating with exotic flowers

Cordyline, fern and other interesting flowers of shorter height are planted in thick but separate rows to create an exotic landscape around the house to match the tall palm trees in front of the house.
The usual tip for arrangement was followed – shorter and blooming flowers at the front, tallest and leafy shrubs/flowers at the back. This way everyone gets the amount of light they need.
14. Enhance your patio with a green landscape

This beautiful but non-standard landscaping makes the front yard the freshest place.
It is irregular due to the types of plants chosen to beautify the garden, but we all agree that creativity has done its job very well.
15. Make a bold statement with a variety of flowers

This landscaping idea is notable because each bush is large and densely planted to create a continuous green space.
It seems that the large tufts are randomly layered and hence the unevenness in height arises. Apparently this is a chiseling effect that has made the garden even more attractive.
Hydrangeas, cascade petunias and boxwood are among the lush flowers in this garden.
16. Discover timeless beauty with a small rock garden

The garden is bordered with decorative tiles and covered with mulch.
Different types of stones were arranged side by side to form a small rock garden, with green leafy plants peeking out between them.
The rest of the soil is left free of stones to allow the planted species to grow larger.
17. Beautiful contrast with evergreen shrubs and flowers

This landscaping idea relies on shapes. Be it an evergreen shrub, a conifer or a flowering clump, they have all been perfectly formed into balls or cones.
The plants are also arranged in rows according to height, making each species easy to grow and distinguish.
18. Stunning path with white stones and square steps

The variety of stones manufactured is large and nowadays we can even make them ourselves according to a pattern.
Use narrower stones to demarcate the garden and space as steps in front of the green part of the garden.
If you don’t have forms for artistic stones, use readily available pavers and cheaper garden edging materials.
19. Bring a modern vibe with white gravel steps

Gravel can be used in many ways in the garden and its decorative effect is always impressive. Located in the backyard, this landscaping idea uses pea gravel to create a faux zebra that contrasts with the ryegrass. It also suits the small corner garden where various evergreen shrubs have been planted.
The unusual urban motif brought to the outdoor areas of private properties creates remarkable appeal.
20. Get unmatched aesthetics with a curved landscape

This landscaping idea does not use straight lines. On the contrary, the garden was outlined with a plastic strip in a curved line.
Lavender, Impatiens Walleriana, palm trees and greenery such as ornamental grasses are planted in a pattern that follows the shape of the curved line. As they grow, they cover the room more and more, eventually forming a beautiful wave of green.
21. Add lasting charm to your home with tropical plants

Tropical flowers for landscaping around the house contribute to a calmer and beach-like atmosphere.
All types used are different sizes and can be combined very well with each other. The empty area between the Vriesias is taken over by a sword-like plant. The vertical space of the fence continues the green landscaping idea with boho planters.
22. Upgrade your garden bed with paving stones

Along with the intended use of pavers, we’ve seen inspiring DIY fire pit ideas. But today we see how they become a fence that creates a garden bed separated from the lawn.
Build a few staggered layers of pavers and plant flowers that you like best and that suit the location in terms of soil and shade.
23. Spice up the garden with rustic paver borders

Here the paving stone was not stained but left in its natural color to create a rustic atmosphere in the garden.
It outlines a small blooming flower garden that is a seasonal treat for all the senses. This landscaping idea could serve as inspiration for small gardens where space is limited but not enough to grow colorful flowers.
24. Bring industrial charm with a concrete raised garden

Concrete can be laid in various shapes and therefore has become a preferred material for making flower pots, table tops, fire pits and plant stands.
This landscaping idea uses straight concrete blocks to create a raised garden around the house. They are arranged in perfectly straight lines.
The formed garden bed is then filled with soil to accommodate the desired plants and flowers.
25. Create an idyllic atmosphere with climbing plants

Climbing plants are beautiful with their mass of leaves and flowers and are ideal for landscaping around any home.
For this purpose, the wall must be provided with a trellis that will support the plant as it grows. Another option is to grow vines that naturally cling to surfaces and do not require special structures to support them.
You can plant different types of climbing flowers and vines or use the same type but in different colors. To fill the gaps between plant bases, use shrubs or ornamental grass.
26. Create a lush garden oasis on your patio

What is the definition of an oasis? Well, we all know it, but how about a garden oasis?
This is a heavenly beautiful garden that we all admire. Due to the raised flat stones, the fountain flows like a river. Each side of the “river” is decorated with blooming flower clusters. The porch continues the natural landscape with hanging potted plants.
27. Add sparkle to your landscape with roses

Roses are the most elegant flowers and combine well with almost all other types of plants.
This front garden design idea around the house includes lots of white, tall roses that are “guarded” by evergreen shrubs, keeping them the focal point of the place.
Small plants protrude from the ground and cover the space between the green boxwood fence and the roses.
28. Increase your appeal with a field of hydrangeas

The hydrangea flower is characterized by its large height, lush flowering clusters and a rich mass of leaves. An attractive appearance is guaranteed, especially if the colorful tufts frame the front part of your house.
It is a perfect plant for edging a house as it not only delights with its beautiful flowers but also scents the air.
Even after the flowering phase, the plant remains beautiful as its leaves remain green and densely arranged as before.
29. Go bold with a checkered flower and paving garden

Do you have a large open space in your garden? Reduce your workload with this clever check pattern. It looks striking and you only have to do half of the watering and weeding.
For maximum drama, choose light-colored pavers that contrast with your flowers. It’s a great way to brighten up a dark corner.
30. Decorate your landscape with ease

When first planted, individual plants in your garden may seem rather sparse. Don’t worry – over time they will fill the space and create a lush look.
To ensure there are no gaps, pay close attention to the kindergarten’s spacing suggestions. If your plants start crowding each other out, simply cut them back for a more manicured effect.
31. Unique look with chevron trellis for climbing plants

If you’ve ever tried growing climbing plants, you know that they can take several years to cover a trellis.
Keep your garden looking great while you wait with a beautiful chevron trellis. You can build the trellis yourself and easily save money on your garden construction.
32. Incorporate a pool into your sloping garden

In a hilly backyard, a pool can seem strange and out of place. Do not worry; It’s a breeze to integrate the pool into the grounds with just a load of large rocks.
Simply stack the stones to create terraces. Wrap the lower patio around the edge of the pool and it will look like a natural extension of the hill.
33. Impress guests with a lace wheelbarrow planter

Transform a plain garden bed into a work of art with an old wheelbarrow. When tipped on its side and filled with soil, the container becomes an extension of the garden bed.
When the flowers bloom they look like they are pouring out of the wheelbarrow. This is a fantastic and eco-friendly way to recycle old or broken devices.
34. Enjoy your outdoor entertaining with a rustic fire pit

Does your backyard fire pit look like an eyesore?
With two large stones you can make it look like a part of the landscaping. Here the pit is embedded in the paving stones.
To hide the pit, the homeowner added two large stones with a round cutout in the middle. This seamless design looks stunning with or without fire.
35. Transform your fence with hanging flower pots

A fence is a wonderful way to create a safe, private backyard, but it doesn’t always look attractive. Why not decorate your fence with flowers?
A simple border garden softens the boards while stacked pavers contain the soil. For an added touch of color and life, add hanging planters to each fence post.
36. Decorate your walkway with beautiful plants

Landscaping and landscaping go hand in hand. Here, hardscaping emphasizes the unique shape of a walkway. It also simplifies landscaping – just add soil and plants to create a beautiful curved border.
Creative designs are a wonderful way to increase your home’s curb appeal and draw attention to unique parts of your home.
37. Keep your landscape stable with a retaining wall

If your garden is sloping, garden maintenance is a challenge. This is where a retaining wall comes into play; It holds in the ground and ensures a flat planting surface.
This DIY retaining wall is easy to build using materials from your local hardware store. In just one day you can completely transform your garden.
38. Relax in complete luxury in a diverse landscape

Tired of traditional garden rows? Add variety with a layered landscape design.
This stunning garden is all about the curved green line – it divides the space into smaller plots. Contrasting plants and flowers draw the eye to the unique shapes.
39. Embrace minimalism with an artificial turf

If you’re worried about getting the lawnmower out every weekend, artificial grass could be the perfect solution. Once installed, you no longer have to worry about watering, weeding or mowing.
If you lead a busy lifestyle, this creative solution can save several hours each week. Plus, it always looks lush and green, no matter what the weather.
40. Show off your patio plants with a raised flower bed

A raised flower bed is an eye-catcher – it raises the planting area high above the lawn and draws attention to your plants and flowers.
For even more impact, create a bed in an unexpected shape. Here the curves form a nice contrast to the straight lines of the house.
41. Surround your garden with river stones for a rustic look

Gardening supplies can be expensive, but there’s no need to break the bank. Just go to the nearest river or beach and collect different stones.
When you get home, line the edge of the bed with stones. This simple landscaping design defines form and creates an attractive transition between lawn and garden.
42. Make use of space by designing small front gardens

If you are looking for simple landscaping ideas but your space is limited, you can reserve a small area in your front yard and plant native plants there. Spice up your garden design with creative bed borders and a flowing transition from lawn to flower bed.
43. Add salvia