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7 easy ways to give your garden privacy

While the front yard is all about planting for curbs, the back yard should be your own private place. Plant with trees, shrubs, and vines that are your favorites and exactly what you want for long-term growth in your particular space.

You can’t just make your garden private, away from the prying eyes next door. The following ideas can block your view of what could happen there. It can also block their unsightly trash cans, this hidden area that never gets set up, or even their constantly busy pool.

In addition, the borders we are discussing below can block street noise and some can hold back the wind. And the best news of all is that they can now be planted by the professionals at Deckers kindergarten. And we would be happy to advise you on which plant materials best suit your purpose.

Mixed tree line: Alternating small ornamental trees with different flowering times. You can limit yourself to just two types and alternate them to achieve a uniform appearance. Or you can plant this border with different trees, using multi-stemmed specimens and even fruit trees. Most nurseries carry a large selection of ornamental trees that can be installed in your landscape 12 months a year.

Windbreak: If there is a place in your garden where the wind regularly blows through the area and disturbs the fun in the garden, slow it down plant a windbreak. Choose a variety of trees for your windbreak so that a pest or disease cannot damage them all if a problem arises. Healthy trees resist pests and diseases. A windbreak on the north or northwest side of your property will also reward you with lower heating costs in winter. Choose trees that are robust for your USDA planting zone.

Shrub border: Imagine a series of beautiful flowers that block the viewer’s gaze and offer privacy. You can do this with a shrub edge by repeating the same flowering shrub for the required length. Find shrubs that best suit your purpose in a kindergarten. Weigelia, Ninebark, Deutzia, Lilac, Viburnums and many more can meet your needs.

Mixed shrub border: If you need to have the best assortment, plant a mixed shrub edge. As with the mixed tree border above, you can select and repeat some types. You can also choose a variety and let something new bloom regularly.

Evergreen border: Similar to the windbreak, an evergreen border is one of the best ways to create privacy while blocking noise and wind. Mix conifers with hollies and azaleas for an unusual green edge.

Vertical vines: Add a few grids with vines trained upwards for another unusual means of adding privacy. Place the supports in the ground or in large containers. Grapevines can have flowers or be an attractive ivy all year round. Vertical plantings are expected to be a growing garden trend this year.

Hanging baskets with vertical plantings: Alternating hanging baskets between the vertical plantings. This is one of the fastest ways to get some privacy, although the tree and shrub plantings last longer.
