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Back to basics: a guide to making lasting interior design decisions

We live in a world that tends to surpass us. The constant grinding is something most of us have to indulge in if we are to succeed.

This tenacious devotion to the craft of our choice often takes up space in our lives, space that should be devoted to the other aspects of our lives. There’s a reason many households hire housekeeping or skilled workers to do these jobs for them. They simply do not have the time or energy to carry out these seemingly mean tasks on their own.

One such task is household maintenance. While it is true that building a house is an expensive endeavor, many people often overlook the fact that house maintenance is costly in both time and money in the long run.

This article is for the prudent and practical. And while it’s not wrong to opt for the fancier home designs like that of https://www.theplancollection.com/you cannot deny the benefits of a low maintenance home. Because, as we all already know, some materials disintegrate faster than others. Some interior decorating options cost more in the long run. What’s the point of having the most exquisite interior design elements if you can’t maintain them?

What exactly are these low maintenance interior design options?

Size or type of house

A painter always needs to choose a canvas, and in this case, smaller houses tend to require less cleaning as there is not much to clean at first. Condominiums and townhouses are great alternatives as much of their maintenance will be included in your monthly fees, especially if you really want to stick with exquisite designs.

Material selection

Durable materials will undoubtedly be more expensive and, while less aesthetically pleasing, they will be cheaper and easier to maintain. Use brick instead of wood or tile instead of carpeting. As with bathroom walls, use a solid material instead of tiles that will collect mold and mildew.

Colors and patterns

If you want your home to look flawless over the years, avoid using solid colors and opt for patterns and moderately tinted colors instead. These hide dirt, scratches and scratches better than solid colors. Plain colors like white or black look very good, but remember that your home should be low maintenance and not necessarily pretty.

A good use for this: if you use patterns instead of solid colors for your kitchen countertop, these stray crumbs are much better hidden.


Elaborate lighting fixtures are not only difficult to install, but also difficult to clean as they can trap dust over the years. This is especially true for chandeliers. Use recessed lights instead, especially if you still want a pleasant aesthetic in your home.

Cleaning options

We love our technology. We are currently at a time when automation is becoming increasingly desirable. Self-cleaning devices will cost more to minimize our maintenance, but will be exactly what we need. A basic example of this: use a vacuum robot for places that are often polluted, such as B. the kitchen or the dining area.
