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How to convince your parents to switch to simplicity and minimalism

As products of two different generations, parents and their children can have different views about things. Most of the time there is a constant goal to influence each other. One of the biggest challenges for everyone is to convince their parents to change or consider a new lifestyle. This is especially true when trying to live in a simpler and more minimalist home. Because of sentimentality and preservation, parents always had the talent to keep things and household items. If you want to have an effective strategy to convince your own parents, there are some clever ways you can do this.

Look for models and inspiration

One trick that can definitely work with parents is when they hear from someone who they believe has authority on the subject. For example, they can easily be convinced by a change of lifestyle when they see a celebrity or icon they advertise on TV or in a magazine. You can search for video clips, interviews and shows of the people you look up to and who promote a simple and minimalist lifestyle. They are more likely to open up to the idea when they hear it from some of whom they are looking up to. Think of it as a gathering of people on your side, but in a way that is not too direct because sometimes they do not like to know what to do. They either do it out of the trend or they are convinced by a really influential person in their life.

You plan

It would be difficult for parents to just hear about throwing things away, especially if they’re particularly sentimental about things. Tell them about the potential of turning a gym space into an office or an area of ​​the house because you can save so much space to keep things to a minimum. In order to achieve this type of lifestyle, one really has to make a plan, as emphasized in I’m dump that there, a US-based dumpster company. This includes weighing up what can be left out and released. You should create a plan that details how you can turn your home into a simple and minimalist one.

Apartment-Architektur-Stuhl-Chairs-269252 How to convince your parents to switch to simplicity and minimalism

Show them the pros and cons

You should have a deeper reason than keeping up with the trend of convincing your parents to stick to a simpler life. Show it to them the advantages This includes a reduction in energy consumption, a reduction in monthly bills and more space in the house. The result should outweigh the cause to get them on board. It can also be helpful if you can not throw away things, but sell them or give them to new owners who keep your things and use them well.

It can be difficult to introduce new concepts to parents, especially if it is something completely different from what they are used to. The trick is to give them the right reasons and the right purpose. Finally, they can be open to these concepts if they fully understand what this means and see the benefits of the following suit.
