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How to extend the life of your air conditioner

Your HVAC unit runs all day all year round. The average lifespan of an air conditioner when properly maintained is around 15 years. Device replacement is costly and should be postponed as long as possible. There are some great tips to get the most out of your air conditioner.

Change the filter frequently

This simple component is one of the most important elements for an efficient and properly functioning air conditioning system. The filers remove unwanted residues such as pollen and dust from your air supply. Dirty filters slow down your device and can damage components such as the blower motor. Set reminders on your phone so you don’t forget to change the filter. Buying the filters in bulk is cheaper than buying them individually.

Use the automatic fan setting

The automatic setting only runs the fan when the air conditioning system is actively cooling. If you use the “On” setting, your fan runs continuously. Your system has to work a lot harder and the lifespan is drastically shortened. The filters also get dirty much faster. If you forget to change the filter and activate the “On” setting, your air conditioning will be charged.

Schedule regular maintenance

Air conditioners are like cars in that they require routine repairs. Regular maintenance ensures that your device works efficiently, but also helps identify minor problems before they get out of control. Your air conditioner should be serviced at least once a year and every six months in warmer climates. The cost of service far outweighs the cost of replacing an entire unit. Properly maintained systems from one Air conditioning company can even last longer than the typical lifespan if you’re lucky.

Get a programmable thermostat

Intelligent thermostats can be conveniently controlled from your phone or tablet. They are easy to program and you can run the device at higher temperatures when you are not at home. Giving the device “downtime” throughout the day is less stressful and also lowers your electricity bill. As a bonus, homes with smart thermostats usually sell at a much higher price.

Use blinds

Blinds can lower the temperature in your home by up to 10 degrees. Your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard when it cools a house with lower temperatures. Look for high quality blinds that are insulated to get the best effect.

Use your dryer at night

The dryer presses warm air into the house with the air conditioning system in order to continue driving more often. Constant cycling means the device wears out much faster. Washing clothes at night is not necessarily a bad thing. Drink a cold beer while folding clothes at night! Your children will sleep too!

Switch off the electronics

Televisions, computers, and appliances generate a lot of heat. Making a habit of turning off your electronics will make your home a lot cooler. A cooler home means that your air conditioner doesn’t have to work that hard. You can spend more time with your family by setting a rule that turns off phones and TVs after 7PM.

Keep the outdoor unit clean

The device should not have any landscape or weeds nearby. Hold about a foot between plants and your air conditioner. The device should be on a flat surface and ensure that the floor is stable so that the device does not rock back and forth. You should turn to a sinking concrete slab if puddles of water form around the device.

Consider a hard start kit

It takes an enormous amount of electricity to start your air conditioner. Hard start kits help your device start much faster and provide an electrical boost. These kits are recommended for older devices that are less efficient. The compressor is much less stressed by using a hard start kit.

To keep Air conditioning maintenance at the top of your do-it-yourself list. Keep a log of your repairs and repairs to keep your device operating at its maximum performance. The more you take care of your air conditioner, the longer it will live!
