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How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

It may seem exaggerated, but nail polish is a substance that many people think is devilish. It is immensely easy to inject objects near the bottle it is in, and there is nothing worse than a nail polish stain. Most consider these stains to be timeless, making the use of the substance a titanic task for professionals. In truth, however, there are several ways to fix the disasters of this fluid. Today we’re going to show you how to remove nail polish from walls so that they have the dazzling look they deserve again.

The problem with nail polish is its composition. The substance consists of various hardener compounds, pigments and solvents, which may damage any surface. Most objects develop stains that appear forever, but there are still ways to clean them.

When it comes to walls, the cleaning process is not that complex, although it is demanding. Nail polish is essentially color, so it’s like removing one coat of paint over another. This means that anything that can remove the fabric may pose a threat to the wall paint.

Removes nail polish remover paint? The answer is yes, so you should avoid it. Fortunately, you can use other less abrasive alternatives.

The first thing you should do is use a cotton swab to remove as much nail polish from the wall as possible. This small piece of cotton absorbs any liquids that could spill further, avoiding larger stains. Now it’s time to use other options.

How to get nail polish from walls

Alcohol solves almost everything

Alcohol How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

If the nail polish has just fallen onto the wall, first try to remove it with warm water and a cloth. This should be sufficient in most cases, especially for smooth colors with semi-gloss surfaces.

If it is too late and the nail polish is dry, you can try using isopropyl alcohol. Use a cloth in the same way and gently rub the wall. Use as much alcohol as necessary until the stain is removed. Clean the alcohol with a damp cloth before assessing the area.

alcohol cleaning1 How to remove nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

If there is still nail polish on your wall, try a nail polish remover. As mentioned earlier, the nail polish remover is harmful to the wall, so you need to be careful when using it.

If you are satisfied with the result or the stain can no longer be removed, end the process by cleaning the wall with soapy water or detergent. Apply it with a clean cloth. Use a different rag, this time dry, to dry the wall to avoid future moisture problems.

Soap is ideal for smooth walls

soap1 How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

If you think alcohol is excessive, you can replace it with liquid soap. Part of how you can remove nail polish from walls depends on the type of wall you need to clean. Finished walls are easier to clean because the connection does not adhere as strongly to the texture.

You will not fully use the liquid soap: you mix two cups of warm water with one cup of liquid soap. The amount depends on what you want to clean, but it is always stated in a ratio of 2: 1.

Soak a rag with the mixture and rub the area stained with nail polish. Then dry the area with a cotton cloth to remove any remaining dirt.

Fight nail polish with nail polish

Nagellack1 How to remove nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

The best way to remove nail polish from walls is to clean it as soon as it splashes on it. If in your case it is too late and cured, there is a chance that another layer of nail polish will remove the stain.

The idea is that the new layer of nail polish softens the already dry one and you can remove it with a cloth. Apply a small amount and after a minute try to remove it with a cloth.

If it is already dry, scrape it off with a razor blade

Razor Blade How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

If the above options are not enough to remove the nail polish because it has already dried, there is a drastic option where it is removed with a razor blade. The problem is that if you’re not careful, you can remove the paint and leave a hole in the wall.

You can try smoothing the surface by rubbing a block of ice before you start scraping to make the blade slide more easily.

Acetone is an extreme method

Acetone How to get nail polish from walls and get clean walls again

The best way to remove nail polish is with acetone. This is a compound found in nail polish remover, so it works similarly. However, this means that it can also damage the wall. We will therefore explain how to use them.

How to remove nail polish from walls with acetone:

  • Dip a small piece of cotton in acetone and squeeze out the excess.
  • Gently push the cotton over the affected area with the nail polish. Rub it until there are no more stains.
  • Since you cannot leave acetone on the wall, clean it afterwards with damp cloths or replacement cloths.
  • If you don’t have acetone, turpentine can replace it.

Before doing this, you can test that the connection isn’t damaging your wall by running it over an invisible surface or behind a piece of furniture so that the effects are not visible when something happens.

The magic eraser makes the stain disappear

magic-erazer How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

As the name suggests, these types of erasers can do magic when cleaning up disasters. The process is so simple that all you have to do is use it as a normal eraser. Due to the strength of this method, it is recommended that you try it first on an invisible surface.

Borax is another wonder substance

Soap How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

Borax is an important ingredient in a mixture that you can use to clean your painted walls. However, you can not use or damage it for wallpaper. In a container with two liters of water, dissolve one teaspoon of ammonia and two ounces of borax.

Now rub the mixture up with a cloth so that the dirty water doesn’t leave stains on the wall that you can’t clean.

Walls with textured surfaces are slightly more difficult to clean because rags are not suitable for cleaning small holes. Absorbent substances such as those found in socks can help you with this cleaning. Try a pair of worn socks instead of a sponge.

Heavy duty with WD-40

spray How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

Not only is it an excellent lubricant for gears and mechanisms in general, but it can also be used to remove nail polish stains.

Spray some of this lubricant on the wall and remove the residue with soapy water and a clean cloth.

Sometimes the simplest is the best

Water How to get nail polish from walls and have clean walls again

The last option you should know how to remove nail polish from walls is the easiest of all: water. Water could be all you need to get rid of this annoying stain.

It may be possible to gradually remove the nail polish when you wash it off. The same can happen on the wall. Of course, unlike your nails, you can’t wash the wall so evenly, otherwise it will be damaged.

Use a cloth or sponge as desired and wipe it several times until the stain is removed.

When there are no more options

If everything else fails, you can paint the wall with a fresh coat of paint. This is not always effective because the nail polish stain can still stand out. It is recommended to always remove it before trying to hide it.

If you’ve read this article on how to remove nail polish from walls, you should also read this:
