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How to plant and grow bearded iris

The iris (Iris germanica) is one of the most popular irises. With sword-like foliage and flamboyant blooms from May to June, it makes a showy addition to hot, sunny borders. Each flower consists of large outer and inner petals called ruffs and lintels, respectively. The name iris comes from the hairs that grow in the middle of the waterfall.

How to grow a bearded iris
Grow bearded irises in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Make sure the rhizome is above ground and gets sun for most of the day – this way it will flower reliably. Divide the clumps every three years to avoid clogging.

Irises enjoy a full sun location. Avoid crowding them with other plants as the rhizome needs sun support to encourage flowering. For this reason you can often find a bed dedicated only to the iris.

They grow well in a neutral, well-drained soil. A south-facing border protected by a wall is ideal.

Bearded iris can be planted in fall or spring. If you have bought potted plants, make sure that they are planted at the same depth as in the pot. If you buy it as bare rhizome, soak it in water for a few minutes before planting.

If you are planting in poorly drained soil, dig in some garden gravel to improve drainage. Plant so that the top of the rhizome is just above the surface of the soil. Position the rhizome to the south if possible. Water plants well.

After flowering, the plants die, maybe you will be lucky and get a second flowering. In the fall, tidy up the evergreen foliage by pruning it back to about 6 inches.

Make sure the iris beds are well weeded, as shading from weeds is not beneficial. Feed the plants with an all-purpose fertilizer in spring.
