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Paver patio designs – elegant look to your backyard

Paver patio designs are most popular options for your garden patios. They offer very beautiful and amazing convention paving solution, where you can get quick installation and you can use it as soon as the work complete. Pavers allow you to choose better patio design to create your garden beautifully. Usually, the paver patios are designed of, concrete, clay bricks or stone and acrylics. They will give an elegant look to your backyard and give long life resistance to your space. These paver designs are normally affordable and convenient to all and the maintenance is differs from one to another.Paver patio designs  18

Various patterns of Paver patio designs:

The Paver patio designs are available in various patterns, where the interested one can choose their loved one to get fit to their garden.  The pavers are more convenient for all the people and they are less cost oriented designs. Normally the cost of paver patios is fix based on the space of the garden. The various patterns of paver patios are as follows;Paver patio designs  97

  • Circular pattern- the circular pattern is attained by put down the patio paver rows in a round or circular formation. Even though the paver patios are normally had very small space between one to another.
  • Herringbone Pattern- In this pattern the laid going alternating directions making as “V” shape. These patterns are normally used in the medium entertainment areas.Paver patio designs  37
  • Basket weave pattern- this pattern is an alternate solution between the horizontal and vertical pair. These pairs make columns and rows that attract all the users.
  • Running bond pattern- this is most common and well-used pattern in residential projects because these are a very simple pattern to laid and simple to install compare to another pattern. This creates or lays down in side by side making illusions with strong lines.