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Top 5 tips to improve the life of your roof

Did you know? The The average roof span is approximately 20-25 years and can be up to 40-50 years for certain materials such as slate roofs and metal roofs. For most of you reading this, you may think that this is long enough before you could have enough money for it Get a new one replaced.

Unfortunately, most rooftops don’t have a chance to exceed the first 15 years of their age, especially if you live in a place where harsh weather is common, such as B. heavy rainstorms, hailstorms, etc.

But you don’t have to worry now as we have put together our top 5 tips in this article to help you improve the span of your roof and extend its lifespan.

So here are all the tips:

1. Maintaining gutters is important

photo-1589398284280-0490d847ad48 Top 5 tips to improve the life of your roof

Gutters are an important part of your entire roof system. Its main purpose is to drain additional water and small debris and to avoid most roof problems.

However, your gutters are also prone to clogging from leaves and dirt, which can prevent smooth water drainage and therefore often lead to one of the most common roof problems, that is, roof leakage. Roof leaks often occur in autumn and winter when strong winds blow the rubble into the channel.

So you should keep an eye on your gutters and clear the gutters regularly. Also check other components such as the downpipe and gutter angle to ensure that the water is drained properly.

2. Check your roof regularly

Making inspection of your roofs routine is the most important step in extending their lifespan. Often, most of the small problems go unnoticed, and before you know it, it would have been too late and there is nothing else you can do but call a roofer to fix the problems.

It is recommended that a light version of the roof inspection be carried out every 2-3 months and a thorough inspection at least once a year in summer, shortly before the start of the autumn and winter season. You can always find one for easy version checking List of things to check onlineand you can do it yourself

For a thorough inspection, it is better to consult a roofer who can professionally go through every detail of your roofs.

3. Cut large branches

The harmless look of the large branches around your house may look innocent at first glance. But most of you hardly know that they can pose a serious threat to your roofs and your home.

During the fall season, the strong winds can drop the branches onto your roofs and destroy them. In winter, the excessive build-up of snow on these branches can add weight and break, causing them to fall onto the roofs. Chimneys and skylights.

If you are lucky, these branches may rub against the roofs and shake the shingles. However, missing shingles can also lead to other roof problems over time.

Therefore, it is better to regularly cut large and tall branches around your house to keep it safe.

4. Keep the moisture away

Homeowners like you are probably aware of how dangerous water and moisture in general can negatively affect your entire roof system. Water attacks the roof, leads to mold and mildew growth, which can cause the roof and ventilation system to rot, and much more.

Of course you cannot avoid this as it is part of nature. However, you can do the following to minimize the effect:

  • Use a cartridge gun to seal all holes around corners, joints, and chimneys
  • Have a proper ventilation and insulation system to absorb excessive heat and water vapor build-up
  • Regularly remove mold and mildew from the roof surface

5. Avoid excessive ice dams and deposits

Another form of moisture you need to watch out for is ice dams and snow piles.

An ice dam is an ice ridge that forms on the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow (water) from flowing off the roof. The water that collects behind the dam can enter a house and damage walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas.

To prevent this, installing a heated cable over your roof can help minimize ice formation and melt away excessive snow. The water from the melted snow is then passed through the gutter system, causing excess water to drain away.


And that’s all for any tips you can use to extend the life of your roofs and make sure they last as long as possible. As you can easily point out in the article, the main causes that shorten the life of your roof are harsh weather and water (moisture), and that every roof component works together.

If any part, such as the attic ventilation or gutters, is damaged, this interrupts the entire system and can lead to a number of problems, just like falling dominoes.

So don’t forget to check your roofs regularly and make sure that even the smallest problem is fixed before it’s too late.
