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Common reasons a dishwasher won’t drain

Of the many areas in your home, perhaps one of the busiest areas is the kitchen. It comes as no surprise as there are a number of activities that you need to do when you enter this part of your humble accommodation.

In the kitchen, you are faced with tasks of varying degrees – preparing, cooking, cleaning and much more! However, one of the most frustrating things that can happen when you’re there is when your dishwasher gets mixed up during the cleaning time.

There is no doubt that a dishwasher is a great asset in your kitchen. It is a fantastic alternative to washing your dishes and newer dishwashers Save more waterThis will help you save on household expenses in the long run. But what should you do if the dishwasher does not drain?

Here are the most common reasons your dishwasher might not perform as intended:

Is your dishwasher turned on?

This may sound trivial, but sometimes your kitchen appliances won’t work because they are either turned off or not connected to a power source. It wouldn’t hurt to double-check.

If you encounter an emptying problem, this is one of the first things you should check. If so, it would definitely save you from worrying about what could have been violent Repair costs for dishwashers.

Is there a blockage?

One of the most common reasons the water won’t drain is clogging. Since a dishwasher is made up of several parts, the clog may be in one of these parts. If you want to be able to pinpoint the cause of the blockage and fix the problem as soon as possible, you should look at the different areas like the following:

  • Clogged drain hose – The hose is responsible for draining the water in your dishwasher. Over time, food debris and other elements can build up, which can clog the hose. When it comes to constipation, all you have to do is see what happens under your sink. With the right tools like gloves and pliers, you can remove the hose and clean it thoroughly. There are cleaning products that are specially made for cleaning drainage hoses. Make sure you choose something that won’t damage the tubing.

If you want to avoid clogging the drain hose, remove any residue from the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. This simple exercise will save you from dealing with this drainage problem in the future!

  • Clogged drain filter – When you are checking the different parts of your dishwasher, the drain filter is located in the lower part of the crockery basket. If the problem stems from this area, it is probably due to the food stuck there.

If something is wrong with your dishwasher’s drain filter, do not be surprised if the dishes are not as clean as you would like them to be.

  • Clogged waste disposal – Another part of your dishwasher that you should check if there is a drainage problem is garbage disposal. If you are not familiar with this particular part, it is the one that is connected to the drain filter.

If the water refuses to go down, it may be because there is food waste on the

Garbage disposal. If there is anything down there, it is all the more difficult for the water to sink.

Avoid breakdowns by carrying out waste disposal regularly. Every few days you should turn on the water and let it run through the disposal. It helps protect garbage disposal from corrosion. It also helps harden food waste, which can lead to buildup and clogging.

There are a few things that you notice mainly because they are difficult to grind. Since it is difficult for the disposal blades to cut these things, it is better to do so Avoid throwing these things in the dishwasher::

  • Egg shells
  • bone
  • Vegetable and fruit bowls
  • seed
  • Oil or fat
  • pasta
  • Sound
  • Glass

If you think the blades are unable to grind something, it is best to remove it before putting the dishes in the machine.

  • Blocked or damaged drain pipe – One of the most common yet complicated problems you might encounter with your dishwasher is the drain pipe. Since this part is somewhere under your dishwasher, it may not be easy for you to check this yourself.

If you are experiencing a drain problem but have not been able to determine the exact root cause, it may be due to a problem with the drain pipe. For something as serious as this you may need the help of a professional as repairing it, even without the right tool skills, can only lead to more, sometimes irreparable, problems.

Tips to avoid emptying problems

A dishwasher can make life a little easier. However, if you want to maximize the benefits of the machine, you must also take extreme care on it. Caring for this highly efficient kitchen tool will save you time, energy, money and much more!

If you no longer want to run into drainage problems and many other dishwashing issues, consider the tips above.

One of the most important tips that you should never forget is to reduce the amount of food left on the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. The more waste there is, the more likely it is that deposits and clogs will form. If you tend not to periodically check your dishwasher and its many different parts, don’t be surprised if you continue to have trouble draining.

Final thoughts

Don’t forget to clean your dishwasher annually. If you have more time, you can clean these more often. If you find any irregularities, immediately check the dishwasher and its parts and determine the root cause of these problems. If it’s something smaller that you can fix, get these gloves and be your own kitchen handyman. If it turns out to be more complex than expected, seek help from professional service providers, otherwise things can go extremely wrong.
