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How dangerous is mold in your house?

It is common knowledge that mold is not good for the health of our homes or ourselves. But how dangerous is it really? By definition, molds want to destroy and decay wherever they stick, including your lungs and any damp structure in your home. Mold needs to be cleaned up quickly and thoroughly, or you risk multiple problems.

Determine if it is mold

Before you can determine what kind of damage the shape could do to your home, you need to determine if it is mold rather than dirt. You can perform a bleach test (1 part bleach, 12 parts water) and wipe the area. If the stain turns white, it’s probably mold. A form set is also exceptional, but if you’re still not sure, it’s best to call one Mold inspector.

Destroy structure quickly

Common household molds like to break down objects or structures that are damp and normally untouched. Mold can rest on a surface for many years, but once that surface gets wet it can sprout. If you see mold in your house, remove it immediately, otherwise it will spread outwards from the first spores.

Correlation between mold and human health

Although we associate mold with poor health, the jury is still undecided as to whether this is actually the case or not. Some studies on mold do not indicate any harmful effects, others have linked mold exposure to allergies, infections and bleeding. Better to play it safe when it comes to your health. Therefore, remove it quickly regardless.

Mold and its connection to allergies and asthma

The most likely link with poor health is asthma or allergies. The main problem with this conclusion, however, is that most respiratory diseases come from places or environments that are cold or humid. An allergy to fungi also indicated an allergy to mold or vice versa. Just because you are allergic doesn’t mean that there is mold in your house.

Another problem is that mold is everywhere and only appears on a surface when the conditions are right. Depending on where you live (tropical area or rainforest area), always inhale mold particles. The fixed rule is: if you already have an allergy to Mold / fungus / fungi or you have asthma, your condition will get worse if you come into contact with mold. You will probably be fine for others.

Increased risk of infection or lung bleeding

Although both diseases sound scary, they occur in very rare cases. It is more likely that someone will get one Infection gets it because they live in a place with chemical emissionsor other bacteria. A weak immune system while you are close to mold could worsen your condition, but is unlikely.

Bleeding from the lungs bleeds in the lungs. Several children died in Cleveland, OH in the 1990s, and it was originally thought to be mold. This was wrong, although the cause is currently unknown.

If you are concerned that mold is harmful to your health, it is likely not. Mold will do more harm to your home than it will to your lungs.
