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How to cover a cabinet without doors (low cost options)

How can you cover a closet without doors? This is a recurring question when we own houses where space is an issue. A traditional door can take the effort to open it because we lose physical space that we could use to walk, but it is also true that with a traditional option we have more decoration alternatives.

However, this shouldn’t limit us, because while there aren’t that many, these cabinet door ideas are perfect if we’re looking to save space.

Custom-Storage-Solutions-by-California-Closets-Studio-City How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)
Image source: California Closets Studio City, California

There are many people who question the need to decorate something that is only used to hide our belongings in a room or closet, but we should not see it as a simple door, but as an integral part of the house that is Creation of the environment contributes.

If we want to decorate a room, the decoration of the closet door is essential, otherwise it will become a piece that does not fit into our composition. There are various options: we can adapt what we already have or, if we have not yet installed anything, use the opportunity to create something extraordinary.

In the list below we offer different alternatives when we need a nice door in our closet. With these you can gain a lot of space in your room and give it a unique touch that is not achieved with the traditional style.

How to cover a closet without doors

Replace the hard finish with a soft one with curtains

EM-Interiors-Chicago-One-Room-Challenge-2015-by-Kelly-Peloza-Photo-LLC How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Kelly Peloza Photo LLC

They may seem rustic, but they are prettier than they seem. Curtains are not only suitable for windows and showers, but can also be excellent door alternatives for cupboards. In fact, these are among the most popular modern closet doors among the owners.

The curtains have many advantages: they are easy to install, do not take up any space when opening or closing and have many styles that we can only adapt to our wishes with the appropriate fabric.

Lynwood-residence-by-Wood-inc How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Wood inc.

The curtains are also not transparent (unless we use a translucent cloth), so they perfectly protect our things from prying eyes.

Some styles that you can try out are adding retention. You can also use ribbons for a more youthful style. After all, the eye-catching colors aren’t completely removed from our list when we’re looking for something more daring.

Folding screens are multi-purpose alternatives

Wimbledon-Mansion-by-Chris-Snook How To Cover A Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Chris Snook

How can you cover a closet without doors? We just can’t keep this question. In fact, the world of decoration offers us practical options that we can apply to different areas. An example of this is a screen. This is a series of leaves connected by hinges that are folded into an accordion to hide rooms of different sizes.

They can be used as closet doors in the bedroom or as a false wall. So if we no longer use it as a cabinet door, we can use it again decoratively at any time. In Asia, where their origins date from, they are often used as walls for changing rooms and other things.

The cascades of pearls return from the past

Brooklyn-Heights-Studio-by-Julia-Mack-Design-LLC How To Cover A Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Julia Mack Design, LLC

This was an option that was used a lot, like small closet doors in the past, but which is gaining popularity again in the market. For those who do not know them, they are a kind of curtain made of strings with beads. This creates a kind of barrier.

This type of protection is best used as a separation between the closet space and the main area and not as a door as such. If you like the retro style, this color cascade will fascinate you and you can find a good number of designs and patterns with pearls of different sizes and materials.

Get privacy with a room divider

Ellipses-wooden rings-sliding wardrobe-doors-room dividers-opening-closing-doors How to cover a wardrobe without doors (inexpensive options)Image source: Open | close the door

Room dividers are a similar alternative to screens. These are simpler structures that, as the name suggests, are used to divide spaces where there are no walls or doors. With a little creativity, we can use them as protection for the wardrobes as they give us the privacy we need and we can accommodate them for all kinds of occasions.

Sliding door systems-by-room-solutions-by-organized-interiors How to cover a cabinet without doors (inexpensive options)Image source: Room solutions from Organized Interiors

Like the folding option, they are often used to create areas where you can change your clothes privately. In small spaces, these leaves do not take up much space (they are very thin), so we hardly obstruct the passage.

In addition, these types of separators are not as common as foldable ones, so they are exotic possessions in every home.

Elegant style with French doors

Cabinets-of-the-French-tradition-through-the-French-tradition How to cover a cabinet without doors (inexpensive options)Image source: The French tradition

They are not traditional cabinet doors, but being well organized can create a luxurious style. A French door is a pair of panels, the main part of which is dominated by crystals (frosted or transparent) and which are opened in the traditional way (swing) instead of sliding.

Due to its construction, these doors can best be organized in several pairs of small widths, whereby an entire wall is created from small doors that do not take up so much space when opened.

Sliding door for the time when we are ready to invest more

Hornstein Residence by Design Platform How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Design platform

How can you cover a closet without doors? If we ask this question, the solution of many is to use sliding doors on a rail. These doors, which are very similar to those in sheds and barns, allow us to save space when opening to the sides.

These doors offer a unique rustic style that we can improve even further if they are made of wood.

ORG-Home-by-Inspired-Closets-of-Charleston How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Charleston inspired cabinets

A clever alternative to save even more space is to have the rail slide towards the wall, which results in a much clearer space.

Swing doors for a unique style

Kitchen-designs-by-Ken-Kelly-bedroom-by-kitchen-designs-by-Ken-Kelly-inc How to Cover a Closet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Kitchen designs by Ken Kelly, Inc. (CKD, CBD, CR)

It’s not the most common option, but we can always choose a swing door that is similar to that used in old-west canteens. Swinging doors, lounge or cafeteria can easily swing so that we can open them effortlessly. The only downside is that they could get in the way in some situations, but if that’s not our case, this is one of the unique closet door ideas we should consider.

Use glass doors for modern designs

Inwood-Cove-by-Laura-Roberts-Design How to Cover a Cabinet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Laura Roberts design

Glass doors work wonders for modern houses. Glass is generally a very clean building material that serves many styles. It is not only transparent, as it can be opaque when used with appropriate treatments. For example, if it is sanded or if several layers are used within a frame.

The frame is another element that we can change if we can work with glass doors and use wood or metals.

Are you still not starting the renovation? Then look at a pocket door

Comfy-Bungalow-by-Angela-Dechard-Design How to cover a closet without doors (inexpensive options)Image source: Angela Dechard Design

A pocket door is like a traditional slide, except that it does not hide behind another door or wall, but rather slides within the wall.

Operation is simple and ideal if we do not yet install a door system. A door is installed through a hidden rail between the outer layers of the wall, which takes up no additional space when opened.

The-Rushmore-by-Supa-Doors How to Cover a Closet Without Doors (Inexpensive Options)Image source: Supa doors

This type of door benefits from not taking away any space to maneuver or move. So it doesn’t matter whether we have little or a lot of space. If we did the previous installation, we can choose one.

And with that, we are done breaking down some door options to consider for your closet. Once it’s done and the design you want isn’t there, you can arrange it as you wish.

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