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The secrets of a rich garden

When trying to plant a lush garden, you should use some of the most natural methods. You don’t have to worry about introducing chemicals or excessive amounts of nutrients that damage the roots of the plants.

There are a variety of options if you want to get the most out of the plants in your garden.

Worm casting

Worm castings are essentially the feces of worms that contain useful ingredients that help promote plant growth. Due to their structure, they are well suited to aerating the soil and are better able to retain water for the growth of your plant. Simple Grow’s experts said that earthworm castings are completely natural, and they give many examples of them Earthworm fertilization propertiesas well as the fact that it is a natural pesticide. Earthworms provide the most effective type of worm for their castings, and you can either buy castings or the worms themselves. If you buy castings in bulk, you will no longer need to replace earthworms in the future. Neither do you have the advantage of being able to place the castings where you want them.

Banana peels

Instead of throwing away your banana peels and other organic products, you can either compost them or place them directly in your garden. Chopped banana peels can be used in the soil of plants like tomatoes to increase their nutrient content. All plants that need phosphorus can benefit from the addition of banana peels. They are also good for plants with a magnesium deficiency and especially for potassium. I would bury the bananas a few inches from the stem of the plant to reduce the attraction of pests to your plants.

Collect rainwater

you can choose Collect rainwater unlike getting tap water to feed your garden. Rainwater is usually at a temperature that is friendlier to the plant, since tap water or hose water can be cold and cause root shock. The rainwater is also completely free of chlorine, which can also damage your plants. Rainwater does not contain nutrients that damage your plants, as some local water sources may use hard water.

Keep your bees in your garden

Everyone knows how useful bees can be for the flowers in your garden and that they are essential for plant reproduction. If you want to increase the number of flowers in your garden, use plants that bees like. Insects are more attracted to flowers on the ultraviolet side of the spectrum, such as purple flowers. Red flowers usually attract animals like the hummingbird, although some have ultraviolet markings that are invisible to the human eye. It is important that you do your homework and know what kind of flowers to use for bees. Alternatively, you can leave part of your farm completely untouched by growing local wild plants. This will attract bees as these plants are what they would normally find in the wild.

Coffee grounds

If the alkalinity in your soil is too high for the crop you are aiming for, Coffee grounds are known to increase the acidity of the soil. Carrots, blueberries and lilies respond positively to the introduction of fresh coffee grounds. Use coffee grounds as a snail repellent if you have had problems with these pests in the past. You can throw your coffee grounds into your compost at any time if you don’t like these options. It’s better than throwing this organic material in the trash. When you have used it, they have a relatively neutral pH so you can put it directly in the garden. This supports the water retention properties of your floor and does not cause any damage. So why not?

Egg shells

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If you are in a place where calcium levels are insufficient in both the soil and water, you can consider using egg shells for your garden. Carrots, apple trees and lettuce love calcium sources to grow properly. Make sure you rinse your eggs to avoid attracting predators, and then crush them. Place the eggs under the soil near the stem of the plant. When they decompose naturally, they bring bioavailable calcium into your plants.

Make sure you study the plants’ nutritional requirements before adding material to them. An exception would be a natural option like worm casting, which won’t harm your garden. Collecting rainwater and using bees to help your plants reproduce are alternative ways to naturally support their growth. With these natural methods you will surely create a lush garden for yourself.
