Wednesday , 12 February 2025
Home / Blinds / Venetian blinds – decorative and functional item

Venetian blinds – decorative and functional item

Rather than a Venice, the Venetian blind is commonly thought. For many years the blinds have been serving as one of the best window treatments that can be used for both purposes such as for decoration as well as for functional use. The blinds are available in slatted horizontal strips made up of wood and in a variety of colors, size, and styles also. Now it is also possible to have the Venetian blinds in bamboo that will result in a nice feature for home decoration, especially whenever you would like to go with the Japanese style of interior decoration.

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While fitting the blinds just check the measurement of your window. Especially, when you spend large amount and make sure that you have bought the right size of blinds.  Having many slats within the blinds, it may attract dust among them. Thus, taking care of such stubborn areas is quite difficult. Do not use oil or liquid over wood as it may cause wood rot or sometimes warp them. Clean the slats on both sides with a vacuum cleaner for thorough cleaning.

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In certain rooms of your house, it will be good to have other material blinds rather than wood. The bathroom, as well as kitchen, are the places where moisture accumulates, thus they are not the ideal places as it would be harmful to wood. With latest developments of science faux wooden was introduced that are thought and more durable than the blinds which are made up of traditional wooden blinds. Such types of blinds are also available in online companies. Selecting the faux wooden blinds will be a matter of individual taste as what has been preferred by a person. But before purchasing the Venetian blind for your home you have to check the policy regarding guarantee that how long the blinds are under warranty.
