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What is the average interior designer salary that you can expect

How Much Do Interior Designers Make? If we are not sure about which career to choose, this is a very valid question. If you’ve ever wondered what an interior designer salary is, here are some factors to consider.

The positions are currently for interior designers are found by architects, contractors and companies specializing in this field. Whatever the option, the work will be the same if we are new until we have experience.

If you’re just starting out in the workplace, the best place to meet is with fellow coworkers who will guide you through small projects, make preliminary drawings for clients, and learn to use appropriate machining programs.

Another part of interior design is calculating budgets and all of their logistics. This is one of the areas where newbies can learn more.

What are the interior designer fees?

Cat Mountain Residence by Cornerstone Architects What is the average interior designer salary you can expect
Image source: Cornerstone architects

The interior designer salary is generated from more tasks than people think. The designer’s work is very diverse, so it can be shared among several people.

First and foremost of all, planning the decoration for buildings in general, whether it’s shops, houses, or large factories. This planning isn’t just a drawing on an airplane, as you have to think about every detail.

Among other things, this means choosing the type of carpet and its location; Select or design accessories such as curtains, door handles, moldings; the color of the paintings on walls and floors; Choose the type of furniture and its location. The design of the lamps and the color of the lightbulbs also flow into this process.

However, administrative tasks can also be found in the income from interior design. These are the calculation of budgets and necessary materials or even the preparation of the necessary documents.

As mentioned earlier, it is possible that we are part of a large work team, which means that we have to coordinate with other professionals such as architects or engineers.

How much can the average interior designer aspire to?

Contemporary-in-Afton-Oaks-by-Del-Cielo-Custom-Homes What is the Average Interior Designer Salary You Can ExpectImage source: Del Cielo Customs Houses

The salary for home designer can vary greatly between the novice and the expert. According to reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average interior designer salary in May 2011 was $ 52,810, which is roughly $ 25 an hour.

However, profits are very different between those who have just started working and those who have been in business for years. The same report found that 10% of the total labor force in this area earned wages less than $ 25,720 per year, while the opposite 10% exceeded $ 86,430.

With an average engagement, the salary for interior designers could be between $ 35,000 and $ 65,000.

Our location will have a big impact

Our-Custom-Homes-by-Faye-Crowe-Architect-LLC What is the average salary for interior designers that you can expectImage source: Faye Crowe Architect LLC

As with other work, the salary for a home designer can vary widely depending on where you work. This is due, among other things, to the existing work skills.

According to the same May 2011 report, the District of Columbia was the highest paid region for designers, averaging $ 76,020 per year.

The number fell by nearly $ 20,000 compared to the state where most of the designers were hired, which is California, where the average salary was $ 58,860.

Other locations in the report included Connecticut at $ 67,390, New York at $ 65,540, and Rhode Island at $ 62,520.

Simply Hired also split this salary regionally in a 2013 study. It was possible to estimate that the South Region did not have a standard for salary that could vary dramatically, such as in Mississippi, where they made $ 28,000, while in Washington DC the salary was $ 56,000.

To summarize the 2013 study, in the west the variation was between $ 29,000 and $ 41,000, in the northeast it was between $ 32,000 and $ 43,000, and in the midwest it was between $ 38,000 and $ 28,000.

In general, both reports show that interior design salaries vary significantly across states. We have to take this data into account when looking for a job.

Not all industries are created equal

AandR-Interiors-by-AandR-Interiors What is the Average Interior Designer Salary You Can Expect?Image source: A&R Interiors

As you might expect, the annual salary for interior design depends not only on where we live, but also on the company we work for.

It might surprise some, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, working with architecture and engineering professionals has been much more profitable than working with specialist interior design services, with the average for the first being $ 57,950 while the seconds hitting $ 52,870.

Those interior designers who worked for independent companies such as furniture or building materials suppliers earned salaries between $ 46,000 and $ 42,000.

This aspect is not as contrasting as that of the residence. While working in large corporations improves our profits, the difference is not as pronounced.

Is it safe to devote yourself to interior design?

Harvey-Parkway-by-Jennifer-Welch-Designs What is the average salary for interior designers that you can expectImage source: Jennifer Welch Designs

At present, the work of the interior designer is relatively safe today, but we have to remember that this is not an essential task. That said, demand is highly dependent on the nation’s economic conditions, and when an economic recession occurs, that employment will be among the first to suffer.

However, there are cases that may not be affected. The professional who works for very large corporations can keep his interior designer salary as the owners can maintain a high volume of projects.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the interior design job market should grow 19% between 2010 and 2020.

Requirements to be an interior designer

AMICI-by-map-interiors-inc-sylvia-beez What is the average interior designer salary you can expect?Image source: map interiors inc. / Sylvia Beez

In the United States, the minimum requirement to become an interior designer is a degree in any field. However, some states are more demanding about the profession and require that they obtain a license to practice from the National Interior Design Council.

It is common for people to ask for a few years of experience, but in many cases it can be compensated for by studying careers related to interior design.

While not required, managing some professional editing programs can help us find a job, in addition to the features they are always looking for in humans, e.g. B. Make decisions and be creative.

As beginners, we need to put our feet on the ground knowing that our starting salary may not be what we expect. In fact, however, the website found that the interior designer salary in 2013 was at least $ 36,000.

The employer is an important factor

The-Resplendent-Bath-by-Mantis-Design-Build-LLC What is the Average Interior Designer Salary You Can ExpectImage source: Mantis Design + Build, LLC

We have to be smart when looking for a job. If we don’t know where to start, the best thing to do is to see where the pros work. Working as a beginner but winning as an expert is possible in the right places.

As mentioned earlier, finding architects or construction companies is a good idea as salaries tend to be higher than the rest of the industry.

Other examples include federal government interior designers or those who work for major magazines and newspapers and earn $ 73,590 and $ 67,470 a year, respectively.

After all, how long can I need to reach my dream salary?

Soho-Loft-by-BuiltIN-Studio What is the Average Interior Designer Salary You Can ExpectImage source: BuiltIN Studio

The path to making the profits we are looking for can be long and complicated in the first few years. However, at the end of the road, we expect big dividends in the work we like.

In the first year we will just develop as individuals. We will study our job as we will learn from all upcoming projects.

One way to get started is through discounts and promotions for family and friends. You have to say that you are ready to accept any type of project. In addition, you need to promote and create a curriculum.

If we’re lucky and don’t underestimate our work, we could make between $ 30,000 and $ 45,000 in the first year.

Between the second and fifth year of work, our interior designer salary should be between $ 20 and $ 30 an hour. We have to be willing to work hard. It is time for you to search for the places you want to work and study what they are looking for.

Create a portfolio. Nowadays it is popular to use a digital one. Upload photos of your work so you can present them to future customers.

Between the sixth and eighth year you should have achieved the desired work goal. You already have enough experience to be suitable for business.

It is also time to decide which branches of design you want to specialize in and move forward even further.

The salary should be close to $ 60,000 at this point. With such a profit we will have support to specialize in other industries if we so choose.

You must have reached an annual salary of $ 70,000 or more after nine strenuous years of work. You can proudly display your important position and the photos of these great projects that you have done.

As additional data. Salary satisfaction at all these levels is above average among interior designers. On our scale, it was rated 2.9 out of 5, which means that this profession is on the right track to get the fair profits for the effort required.

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