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7 home office setup ideas for maximum productivity

When working from home, it’s important to set up a proper office environment. Here you will find furnishing ideas for the home office that increase your productivity.

Almost half of Americans occasionally work from home, with about eight million of us working entirely from home.

There are obvious advantages to working from home, not least commuting! It can also have drawbacks, with distractions all too easy to come by.

To be productive, you need to make sure that your home office is perfectly set up. You want your office to be in a place where you feel happy and not in a place that you are afraid of.

Read on as we look at seven home office decor ideas to help you work more productively at home.

1. Treat yourself to space

If you want to work from home, make sure you have enough space to do it effectively.

It’s not good to cram yourself into a tiny closet without enough room to stretch your legs. You will never be very productive if you do not feel well or feel claustrophobic.

Make sure you have enough space to work comfortably every day. You also need space for storage in the office, as well as your desk and chair.

2. Think about the lighting

The Advantages of sunlight are clean. If possible, set up your office in a room with an outside window.

If this is not possible, you must ensure that you have adequate lighting. You don’t want to strain your eyes to see your computer screen. Combining a desk lamp with ceiling lighting is a great way to ensure that you always have enough light wherever you need it.

The type of lighting you use is also important. Strong fluorescent lamps are not ideal for a work environment. Consider slightly warmer lighting that isn’t as harsh. You can also opt for modern intelligent lighting that you can adapt to your mood.

3. Invest in a comfortable chair

You will sit in your desk chair for many hours when you work from home.

You won’t be productive if you feel uncomfortable after about an hour. Make sure you invest in a quality desk chair that will give you the perfect blend of comfort and support.

There is a large selection of ergonomically designed chairs. Don’t be tempted to choose a cheaper option. This is an area in which the investment is more than worthwhile.

4. Consider a standing desk

Sitting for long periods of time can be bad for your health.

A standing desk can not only help minimize the time you spend at the desk, but also help increase your productivity. When you get up, you feel more active and empowered and can provide more motivation to work. You can also switch between sitting and standing to confuse things.

You need to make sure that your desk is at the perfect height for you to work comfortably. A Standing desk height calculator can help you figure out exactly how high your desk should be.

5. Paint the walls

If you spend hours in your office every day, the last thing you want is to be surrounded by dreary or dreary walls.

Beige walls won’t inspire you to be super productive. Which color to choose depends on your personal preference.

Perhaps you want something that will cheer you up for a productive day, such as: B. a bright orange. You may prefer something that makes you feel calm, e.g. B. a nautical green or an ocean blue.

Make sure you don’t choose something too dark as this can make your office look a little depressing.

6. Give yourself something else to look at

If you spend hours in the same room looking at the same walls and computer screen, you can start to go a little crazy.

Treat yourself to something else to look at, not just for your health but also for the health of your eyes so that they can work a little less hard for a while. It is ideal to set up your office so that you have a great view from your window.

If you don’t have a window, try providing something else instead. A beautiful painting or other piece of art on the wall can give you something different to look at every now and then.

As tempting as it may be, don’t put a television in your office. You will have enough distractions as it is.

7. Minimize the clutter

If you want to be really productive in your home office, your work space needs to be as efficient as possible.

When cluttered around you, you will never get as much done as you could. Try to keep your office space organized and tidy, give everything a place and make sure you always place things where they belong.

A filing cabinet is an ideal solution that allows you to keep your documents and at the same time find the documents you need at any time. If you don’t have a place, you have to get creative with your storage solutions.

Did you find these home office setup ideas useful?

We hope these ideas for setting up your home office have inspired you. Remember that your office should be as practical and comfortable as possible when you work from home.
