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How to choose the right outdoor rugs

Rugs are important additions to your house in most regions. Particularly in the colder climates, rugs assist in a variety of functions without which life becomes quite difficult. Be it protecting one’s feet from the frost or providing entrants an avenue to clean their feet as well as dry them before entering the house, outdoor rugs have become a necessary aspect when it comes to planning the décor of your home. Other than these functions, the rugs also add an aesthetic element to the home and passers-by as well as guests are sure to appreciate the placement of a soothing and comfortable rug outside your doorstep. outdoor rugs  29

Let us take a look at the two important aspects to keep in mind when shopping for outdoor rugs.

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Material: Most people make the mistake of consulting age-old traditions or unaware acquaintances when it comes to deciding the material of the rug. This may lead them to wrongly assume that nylon, acrylic and other such traditional materials are the best constituents of rugs. While these do not pose much risk in terms of comfort, their utility is low and maintenance high. Thus, while buying an outdoor rug, it is best to opt for polypropylene. This material is stain resistant and can be cleaned easily.outdoor rugs  07

Make: There are two broad variants of rugs, those made by machines and the hand-made varieties. Both these rugs do not differ much in terms of utility and hence, this decision can be made largely on the basis of your budget. If you are looking for an inexpensive rugged rug, then the machine made variety should suit your needs. However, for those looking for an outdoor rug of finesse and exquisite quality, hand-made rugs should be the norm. Do keep in mind that these can be quite exorbitantly priced.
