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Five Ways to Embrace the Wabi-Sabi Home Design Trend

Everywhere we look there is advice on home decor. Do this to make your home look perfect. If you paint your wall this color, your guests will be overwhelmed by your creativity. It’s all about making your home look well designed and impeccably stylish. But did you know about the wabi-sabi home design trend?

This trend is inspired by the Japanese term, which means finding beauty in imperfections. Your wabi-sabi lifestyle is meant to encompass all of the shortcomings that come with life, including your home. When it comes to interior decoration, Wabi-Sabi values ​​authenticity and not perfection.

Instead of buying everything that has been the latest trend, make an effort to make your home look peaceful and simple. Here are some tips that can help you make your home look like wabi-sabi:

Troubleshoot first

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Even if Wabi-Sabi promotes imperfection, it doesn’t mean that you should be living in a mess. So, take out whatever things you need and put them in storage boxes or throw them away. If you don’t feel like throwing them, you can donate them or give them to someone who needs them more than you.

In case you are not familiar with debugging, you should definitely seek advice from Marie Kondo, a Japanese writer and professional organizer who has lots of useful tips on how to debug your home and lead a happier life.

Basically, you should be grateful for everything you have, and if you want to make sure something is a keeper, you just have to take it and ask yourself, “Does it bring me joy?” It may seem funny at first glance, but many have said that Marie’s tips have helped them to make their home from cluttered to tidy.

Feel free not to match colors

pexels-photo-245208-1 Five ways to embrace the Wabi-Sabi home design trend

The wabi-sabi decor style is all about experimentation and creativity. So if you’ve always taken care of matching everything to a t-shirt, it’s time to stop. Your home can be beautiful even if some things are a little out of place. So trying to get everything perfect can take your home away from personality and uniqueness.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should bring high-contrast details together, but instead of being disappointed that something is something else, try to find a way to incorporate it so that it looks nice and cohesive. Wabi-sabi is about combining different aesthetics while taking imperfection into account.

Respect nature

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One of the main principles of Wabi-Sabi is appreciation and gratitude for nature and everything we have. Being minimalist is important when trying to embrace the wabi-sabi trend, and respecting nature means not fretting about empty and unused spaces and deeply appreciating natural materials.

Try to find a creative replacement, or just try to live without it for some time instead of worrying that you don’t have a specific thing. When it comes to materials, focus on choosing glass, wood, marble, concrete, stone, and metal. This way your home will look authentic and more environmentally friendly. Accepting love and respect for nature is perfectly related to wabi-sabi, as nature itself is beautiful in its imperfection.

Don’t be afraid of minimalism

pexels-photo-545012 Five ways to embrace the Wabi-Sabi home design trend

If you want to fill your home with wabi-sabi aesthetics, let go of the desire to live in abundance first. Having fewer things can make your space look more elegant. Instead of having too many pieces of furniture in your bedroom, you can look for a few comfortable beds for saleand be done with it.

You also need a normal sized wardrobe and bedside table, but otherwise you don’t need much more for a good night’s sleep. We are constantly told that we need more to be happy, and then we get disappointed when it turns out to be a lie. Wabi-sabi can help you adopt a more minimalist lifestyle without depriving yourself of something that you really love.

Strive for simple and neutral designs

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Sometimes it’s better to abandon elaborately designed furniture in favor of simpler, more minimalist designs. If you choose wooden furniture, you can give your home warmth and intimacy. Choosing handmade furniture can be more original than going to the store and buying the first thing you see.

Instead of throwing things away when they get old, try to accept the aging and fix it to make it look good again. Also, try to choose neutral and natural colors like brown, beige, white, black, and gray. Likewise, focus on natural light and don’t worry if something is easily misplaced. Add potted plants and be kind to them every day.

For those looking to switch to wabi-sabi home design, it might be difficult at first, especially if you are used to hoarding a lot of unnecessary things. But if you do your research, your home can look beautiful without a lot of things lying around. Try to find balance and beauty in everyday imperfections instead of aiming for something that is almost impossible to achieve. Wabi-sabi can teach you to have a wonderful home without actually owning much.
